Closing event of the project

On June 19, the closing event of the project “Innovative quenching and partitioning medium-manganese steels – novel technological concepts for ultra-high strength and ductile automotive sheets and plates” was held. The project was financed by Norway grants under SMALL GRANT SCHEME 2020 program (NCBiR). The meeting allowed for summary of all the works carried out […]

Closing event of the INNOQPTECHNOL project

The manager of the project “Innovative quenching and partitioning medium-manganese steels – novel technological concepts for ultra-high strength and ductile automotive sheets and plates” PhD Aleksandra Kozłowska kindly invites for a closing event of the SGS project, which will be held remotely using the Zoom platform. The meeting will be held in English. Meeting agenda: […]

Presentation of project results

We presented the project results during six national and international scientific conferences. The scope of the presentations included the results obtained in all five work packages. The research topics that we presented during the conference were very popular. The scientific discussion among an international group of specialists in the field of materials engineering and industry […]