Closing event of the project

On June 19, the closing event of the project “Innovative quenching and partitioning medium-manganese steels – novel technological concepts for ultra-high strength and ductile automotive sheets and plates” was held. The project was financed by Norway grants under SMALL GRANT SCHEME 2020 program (NCBiR).

The meeting allowed for summary of all the works carried out in the project and achieved results:

  • all research work under the project was carried out as planned.
  • the project goal was successfully achieved, which was to develop innovative thermomechanical and heat treatment technologies for sheets and plates produced via quenching and partitioning process.
  • the presentation showed a comprehensive summary of the obtained results and team members’ activities. As part of the project, 10 papers were presented at national and international conferences, 8 research papers were prepared (published in renowned scientific journals or currently under review), and 3 internships were carried out in international scientific centers. As part of the project, 2 technologies related to the implemented project and 2 patent applications were also developed.
  • participation in the project allowed for strengthen international cooperation with renowned international research centers, including: RWTH Aachen University, Steel Institute in Germany and University of Applied Sciences Upper in Austria.
  • participation in the project allowed for a significant increase of competences, research skills and experience in carrying out research in an international team.
  • participation in the project allowed to support women scientists, which constitute a negligible share of people carried out research in a field of technical sciences.