On September 1, the second stage of our project (WP2) began, concerning the verification of the experimental kinetics of phase transformations during the thermomechanical treatment of steel with the use of dilatometric tests, led by PhD Eng. Barbara Grzegorczyk.

The experimental verification of the results obtained in the simulation tests will allow the optimization of the process parameters and their adaptation to the conditions occurring during the technological processing of sheets and plates with mechanical properties unique in the world.

As part of WP2, PhD Eng. Barbara Grzegorczyk completed a research internship at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. The scientific supervisor of the internship was prof. Ludovic Samek. The plan for the research carried out during the internship included the optimization of the parameters of thermomechanical treatment of Quenching and Partitioning steels based on thermodynamic calculations and dilatometric tests. The implementation of the research internship allowed for a significant increase in competences and research skills, in particular in the field of computer simulations and research using a dilatometer. The internship also allowed me to gain experience in carrying out research in an international team.